Montana Farmers Market Nutrition Program

Welcome to the Montana Farmers Market Nutrition Program. The Farmers Market Nutrition Program is a state-administered federal nutrition program that authorizes Farmers to accept WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program Benefits (FMNP) at farmers' markets, farm locations, and/or roadside stands, in exchange for locally grown produce.   

Participating in this program provides Farmers with additional sales opportunities and promotes the production of locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables.

Montana WIC is implementing a new electronic FMNP (eFMNP) system for the 2025 market season. Montana is partnering with Healthy Together (HT) to complete this transition. This means that WIC participants will begin receiving their annual FMNP benefit through their mobile device or, if they don’t have a smart phone, through a card.

There will be no more managing of FMNP coupons and farmers will receive automatic direct deposits.

Participants will select locally grown produce, they will present the QR code to the farmer, and the farmer finalizes the sale through an app-to-app transaction in the Healthy Together app. Once the transaction is complete information will update in the app for both the participant and farmer.


If you have any questions about the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program contact 1-800-433-4298.

To report suspected fraud or other program violations please use the  Program Complaint Form.

2025 Farmers Market Nutrition Program List of Farmers

Farm Direct Food List

Montana WIC is implementing a new electronic FMNP (eFMNP) system for the 2025 market season. Montana is partnering with Healthy Together (HT) to complete this transition. This means that WIC participants will begin receiving their annual FMNP benefit through their mobile device or, if they don’t have a smart phone, through a card.

There will be no more managing of FMNP coupons and farmers will receive automatic direct deposits.

Participants will select locally grown produce, they will present the QR code to the farmer, and the farmer finalizes the sale through an app-to-app transaction in the Healthy Together app. Once the transaction is complete information will update in the app for both the participant and farmer.

Healthy Together App

Farm Direct Food List

eFMNP Office Hours

Details on Farmer Transactions and Advantages Memo

E-solution for FMNP letter to Farmers

eFMNP Farmer Flier

eFMNP Participant Flier

eFMNP Poster

Montana Farmers Market Locations

Montana WIC Program (State Administrative Office)wic supergraphic

1625 11th Avenue
PO Box 4210
Helena, MT 59620-4210
Telephone (800) 433-4298 or (406) 444-5533